My Journey as a pshychic and a Healer
Hi, my dear sister or brother who is reading these lines. I have been asked numerous times lately to share my journey as a psychic. Everybody has their own journey in life and it is always interesting to find out how somebody has become a teacher, an artist, a doctor, a lawyer, or whoever they have become and why. I feel honored to be asked to share my story. I have never thought about publishing it. I needed to collect these experiences for different reasons (ex. to my psychic trainings), but I have never thought that I will post it. I feel vulnerable but well, it seems the time has come.
It is written not necessarily in a humorous or storytelling style, like most of my blogs. It is mostly written in a dry, fact-oriented manner. You will still see the journey unfolding in front of your eyes and how one channel opened up another; how these skills became finer and more pure after reopening them. I have closed down these channels many times in my life. I have turned my back on these Divine skills and tried really hard "to be normal". The result of shutting my channels down was that I got sick every single time. The last was very scary. Now I am out of it and my channels are open and ready to grow and clear up even more... Anyway, enjoy it and I will be glad to read your reflection or questions or thoughts you may have while reading my journey. Where do you see yourself in my story? I know you are like me! Are you awakened?
I am a born psychic. I have been healing people in person since my childhood. I have helped hundreds of people to become more open to the non-physical world. My passion is to help people and children who have special gifts. They are talented in one or more psychic fields but they don't know what to do with their gifts. The only thing they know is that they don't fit into this world, yet they want to have a fulfilled life which causes a lot of issues. I am a psychologist and family counselor which may come useful at readings.
Born and started life on Earth in an abusive and non-functional family (like most of us), so it was vital and life-saving to be able to read people's energy and see the future about what would come.
Age 3-10
Being able to attune into mechanical equipment – I was able to tell why they did not work, or I made them work by "healing them since they were "sick".
- One day our old TV went wrong again. I told my mom that this time she had a different problem. My mom just waved with her hand. When the mechanic came and told her the same thing I had told her, she looked at me in shock and asked "How did you know it?" "I asked her what hurts and she told me the truth"
- Another time, our vacuum cleaner's (another very old piece of electronic device) power button got stuck again. It happened really often that we could not turn it on or off and it was a pain to fix it. One day, my mom told my brother to vacuum his room, but it didn't turn on for him. He took it into pieces (like we always did if it didn't want to turn on), but nothing worked. Finally, he kicked the vacuum, hoping it would work. Nope. When he "threw it out of his room" saying with relief that it is broken and it is dead, I went to the machine and started to talk to it. I mentally went inside and fixed something. I considered it as it had a tummy ache. Then I pushed the red button and it turned on.
Seeing things in advance – being able to tell what would happen to people in the future. -If they would get laid off, they would fall and get hurt etc.
Healing Touch - If anybody got hurt or they had pain, I was always called to put my hands on them. My most frequent "customer" was my mom.
An educative Invisible friend - I had an invisible friend who taught me about things I did not /could not know about as a small child (ex. how to make solid chocolate; or how molds are used for making chocolate etc.) I spent a lot of time with him. He was a kind of Santa. We were making toys for the children while we were talking about everything. Sometimes my mom really scratched her head about the information I shared with her I learned from my Santa.
The clairsentience child - I wanted to sue the director of the zoo in our town because I could feel how sick the animals were and how much they were suffering because of the bad treatment. They didn't have shade and enough water on a hot sunny summer day. One time during our visit at the zoo, I was crying so badly for the animals that we needed to leave the zoo.
Age 10 through 14
High level of Telepathy - I felt and could tell who was thinking of me and about what - One day I went to school and suddenly I felt a big push in my chest and I saw a face of a child from our class. When I got to school. I asked her if she had been thinking of me on her way to school and she said yes. This was the first time. After this, it was a common feeling of push in the chest and I either saw a face or heard a name. Later, I also could hear what the person said about me. If it was not a good idea to confront the girls, but I could not help not hearing their thoughts. I did not know how to handle a situation like this and there was no one I could discuss it with. I lost a few friends.
Going back on the timeline of History / Remote Seeing - When we were learning about the great pyramids in History class, and I saw the pyramids for the first time in my life, I stood up (in a kind of trance) and started to tell that there is a "spaceship" under the sphinx, there are secret corridors, hallways and crystal chambers under the pyramids etc. Everybody laughed, of course.
"She is weird" -It was me. - yet, by this time, kids were coming up to me telling me about their problems and pain. I was also asked a lot of times if they would be tested in class that day or not. I was a good resource and emotional block releaser but nobody wanted to play with me or be my friend.
Age 14 through 23 - Through high school and college
Experiencing the ONENESS - I was going home from a party one night. I stopped and started to listen to the silence around me. It was winter and there was snow everywhere, the river was frozen. Slowly I felt that I became the dog who was barking in the distance, then I became the barking itself. Soon, I felt that I was the steam coming out of the chimneys, but I was all the chimneys in the village as well. I was the ducks on the river's ice, but I was the ice and the river itself. I was air, water, earth, the body heat in the ducks or the dogs... I was everything. I was THE ONENESS. It was very weird to come back into my body.
First initiative dream - It was about an enormous and gorgeous (leathered covered) book that kept flying to me into my room. I kept throwing it out of the window. After so many stubborn attempts to get rid of the book, I finally accepted it and opened the book. It was full of all empty pages. But the more I looked that the pages, the more I started to see the lines and the writings in the book. It was all about the world's and Earth’s creation and birth. But it was very different from what we learned at school. I read the whole book. At the very end, on the last page, the names showed up who were able to read this book. I saw more names being formed in the list, but of course, I did not recognize the names, or I could not remember them. I was maybe the 5th in the line. After this dream, I had a few other dreams about different but very precious, and secret books. All of my dreams were about to save these books, even if it cost my life. In order to save them, I could fly or breathe under the water... nothing mattered, only the safety of the book.
any years later someone told me that the book I saw and kept coming back to is "the Book of Life" and it is called the "Akashic Record". almost 30 years later, an Akashic Record reader told me back my dream: "... do you remember when you had the dream..." Oh, yes. I will NEVER forget this one!
Clairaudience channels opening up - During college, I heard different voices and could tell if they were coming from the Angels, Masters, or nature spirits.
Clairvoyance and channeling - I could tell what the exam questions were going to be. It started channeling (without knowing what I was doing) with my high school graduation test in Math. I got all the answers right. They were flowing through me from above, through my hand onto the paper. I had no idea what that feeling was or what was happening. I just knew that I needed to pass that test. Math was REALLY NOT my subject, so my math teacher asked me (after he corrected the test which I got a B+) if I had been cheating during the test. I was shocked about his assumption, but it made sense. Two months before the final tests he was supposed to give me an F based on my previous math tests results. He knew I was learning really hard, but it seemed like it would not be enough to pass the test. To everybody's surprise (myself included), I barely had any mistakes. This "I hear the correct answer to a test question" helped me out several times when I was not sure about the correct answer during an oral or written test at college.
Out-of-body experience - I got my first out-of-body experience when I was present at two places at the same time. - I was on the train going to see my mom for the weekend. I was sitting at the window looking out and staring at the dark night. Suddenly, I realized (woke up) that the train had been going for too long. When I "woke up", my eyes were open during the whole time, I knew that by that time we should have pulled into the station; I realized I missed my station, I got stuck on the train. I went to the platform and found out that yes, I was right I had missed my station. There was a young guy waiting for the next station to get off the train. I asked him what the next station would be. He told me the name of the next city after mine.:) But this is what became interesting: Neither the boy nor I understood how that could have happened that I forgot to get off the train in time. He said I was walking in the hallway up and down (for about an hour) since I got on the train. He said I looked kind of thinking hard and he did not want to disturb me to say hi and start talking to me, so he was just looking at me walking for the whole time. Obviously, it did not make sense to him how I could miss my station when I was awake and walking. But his story did not make sense to me either, because I just came out of the compartment or cabin where I was sitting for the whole time staring at the darkness. This is where I woke up that the train was running for a too long time, and something was not OK. Was I meant to meet this boy? for sure! Since there was no more train to take me home to my mom's town, I was blessed and he took me home. He stayed late and we were talking in the kitchen till midnight or even after. We had a lot to talk about and it was the very first time of the many following, when I could describe his rooms exactly the way it was: the color of the walls, the poster on the wall across the door, his bed, his shelf, I could tell the title of his favorite book but I also saw the whole house and described it accurately.
More Clairvoyance experience - After this channel opened up ( I just mentioned above), I could tell basically anything people asked about their home without me physically ever being there. I could also tell when somebody was lying. I could see what happened in the past, what they were really doing instead of what they told me they did. Was it fun for the guys I dated with? Nope.:) At least not the ones who lied.
Knowing the future - I could also tell when the phone would ring and who would call in a few seconds before it happened. I was very accurate about who was going to ring our door bell downstairs in a minute and what they want. I could still tell what would happen to people in the street, for example, if an old lady would fall, or a child would jump out of her mom’s arm while dismounting the bus. I could jump in time and save a person a few times. But I could tell the future pretty accurately weeks, months, or even years ahead globally and personally.
The animal and plant whisperer - By this time I could tell which trees would be cut down in our town. I heard them crying and being afraid of being cut down. I could talk with animals. Not only could I imitate their voice pretty well, but also I was able to communicate with them through telepathy. Having conversations with animals freaked many people out. My friends were birds, dogs, cats, seagulls, and beluga dolphins. I could communicate with them without imitating their voice as well. I could tell which dog or cat could catch a rat or a mouse and which one couldn’t because they were afraid of these critters. I also could tell what their health issue was or give a very precise personality report to their owner... The most amazing experience was, though when I was talking with a beluga mom and her cub at the Chicago aquarium. I asked permission from the mom to connect with the baby and I asked the baby to do certain tricks. He/she performed the tricks. People noticed it and were taking pictures and cheering and they realized the communication between the three of us.
Age 23 through 30 - After college till I got my second degree in Psychology
Self-education - I started to "eat"/read books about these topics. I felt lonely and sometimes, I really questioned my mental clarity or heath. Even though these psychic and healing experiences were obvious to me and my accuracy was approved by those I practiced on yet nobody could handle these happenings around me or take my predictions in. I was seriously thinking to see a psychologist again. Which I did while I was in high school. She was a young, freshly graduated psychologist. After the second session, she asked me not to come back, because she did not understand me, she was afraid of what I was telling her and she could not help me with all the family drama and abuse I had in my family.
The 1st person who said I am OK, just different - Instead of seeing a psychologist, I met a girl "by accident" at a Feng Shui workshop who told me that I was ok, I was normal and that I did not need to see a specialist... I was 26 (! years old )when I met her! what a relief it was!! She told me to read a few books, which I did, however, they were just like confirmations about what I had already found out or learned through my personal experiences. They were great confirmations, though that there were kindred spirits on Earth I had just not met any of them yet.
Using my psychic skills at teaching - I started my teaching career as a high school teacher. It did not take too long for me to be able to tell right away when I entered the classroom how the group was energetically (meaning, If they were open and teachable on that day or not). I also could feel each child individually: who had a breakup, who was sad or happy, who was sick, and what body part hurt. Kids LOVED me because I was very fair, my extra gifts became very obvious to them, but they knew I would never use those against them. They also knew that they could never cheat during a written test or lie to me; they knew that I would know.
More Channeling - A few years later, I started my Master's degree program in psychology at a university... As much as I wanted to be a psychologist all my life, it felt like hell taking those courses. 4 years of nonsense of psychology (statistics, pharmacology, definitions, and some of those crazy tests psychologists use to determine people's mental state...) versus the spiritual reality I lived. By this time I got used to live in this dual reality. I was functioning like a "normal" person, like talking with other, had a job, etc., but I could always shift my focus and see behind what we call reality. Did it make my life easy? Not necessarily. Some people sensed that I am "different" and people are afraid of the unknown. Plus, I am not good at holding my mouth and if I am asked about something, there is only one thing in my mind: "The truth". People do not always want to hear the truth, but because it is the only thing I am interested in, my "no-filter" personality caused me many issues and affairs.
When it was time to write my thesis, I could channel in Jung or any author I was quoting while writing my thesis; and could write down their messages in their style - their teachings that they had not had a chance to write down in their lives. I was writing down things that I knew nobody would believe that were my own thoughts and I would have been accused of stealing their work... so I put their names for several paragraphs I channeled in. I just assumed it was channeling but still did not know at that time.
Traveling in time - Since I was so disappointed with Psychology and I could not get myself to learn that nonsense data and the answers to test questions (but I still needed to pass my exams and tests), I started to use consciously my psychic skills and gifts to travel in time and set up the energy field in the future. When I was not prepared to a test, I imagined a situation in the future (the room we were in, the teacher, my other fellow students etc.) and I imagined that something favorable would happen that would help me pass the test. Nobody taught me these things. None of the books I had read were about these techniques. I just did what felt ok: I always asked permission to do those things, I always talked the truth of my heart to a higher Force I knew I was connected to, and I always thanked the possibilities to the Divine Love and Spirit I asked help from. I never forced anything, I let it happen the way it was supposed to happen. I just opened up a possible situation which was helping e getting ahead. I did my part and studied as hard as I could! I did not know what that Force was itself I had been connected since my childhood. I had heard about God before but had no idea who he/she was. I just felt energies around me, coming through me, and through my life I gained trust in this Unknown, Loving and Caring Force. Unlike people, this Higher Consciousness never let me down! It became my unconditionally loving mom and dad. Many times, I connected this force and asked guidance from this Unconditional Divine love instead of my earthy parents.
Becoming invisible - This time in my life I was fascinated by the fact that I could make myself invisible. I think I succeeded a few times to be invisible. There were situations when someone called my name and looked for me, even though I was there a few steps away..
My first class on metaphysical topics - I was 28, when I joined a spiritual group and we were learning about spiritual laws, chakras, herbs, etc. When I first met the teacher, he put me into his third-grade group instead of the beginners. He was a medium, psychic, and was really knowledgeable. Sometimes, he asked me to read him. On one hand, he made me feel like I knew a lot, I have come from a very different world etc... but at the same time, he never gave me a reading or he never told me stories about my other lives as he did for others. He just waved with his hands and said: "you know it" or "you don't need to know it". Sometimes he started to tell something interesting about me, but then he stopped. It was really frustrating. I still do not know why he did all of these. Why I did not leave his classes? I couldn't. Frst of all, he was the only and first person I could learn about all of these things which almost drove me crazy. He was the 1st teacher available to me. Then, I could not leave him, because I really enjoyed learning from him and I projected my father- issues onto him.
The medium awakens - By this time, several people came into my life who had a relative who passed, but the two had had unfinished business. These people seemed to be possible good friends or even Mr. Rigth(s), but after connecting these new friends with the loved one on the other side and reporting what their relatives wanted them to know. Right after they got the message they needed to hear, these new friends disappeared from my life within days, and never heard about them. My job was only to help their relationship and let the dead relative pass over. I saw spirits, saw angels, heard them, smelled weird things, however, I cannot smell at all in real life.
I also helped over my grandpa on my dad's side to the other side who did not want to leave the earthly plane. I did not know anything about "earthbound spirits". I had never been interested in them, but I knew somehow if we die, our soul needs to go somewhere else. He did not want to leave. It was not easy to convince him to follow the light by not really knowing what I was talking about. But finally, he did pass over.
One time Trans medium - I was working as a librarian at the Department of Psychology during these years. One day, I was supposed to attend in a very important meeting about the future of the library. The success of this meeting determined if we could stay separate or we would get merged into the main library of the university. It was on September 11 in 2001. My co-worker was shocked when I found my notes and asked her what those notes were about and when I asked her when we would start the meeting. She thought I was fooling her. She said: "You did not even let the Dean talk. You were taking these notes, talked over everyone, and led the whole meeting. You totally made sense! Now you pretend you don't know what these notes are about? What is going on with you?" But I truly did not remember anything. Later that day I found out what happened in Manhattan. The library stayed separated. What is weird about this is that I am not able to stand out for my needs at all. I rather stay in the background. I would speak up, but would not take out words from people's mouths. I still do not know what really happened. I assume, I was called into service and my highest self took over my body.
Medical intuitive awakens- I was doing mini healing sessions for the students and some of the teachers coming to the library because I could feel what part of their body was hurting. I did not know what I was doing. I was doing circular movements in front or behind their body on different heights (in their chakras).
Oracle Surgeon awakens - I consciously discovered my healing gifts during a boot camp which was organized and led by that teacher I mentioned above. He was teaching us a medium-light massage technique with his special oil blends. The steps were important and had to be followed in order. We were working in groups of three. One patient, one healer, and one who was reading the steps and what to do in order to make sure, everything would be safe for the "patient". I must have been in trance because I started to do different things. Similar to what we learned, but not really. The guy who was supposed to tell me what to do yelled for the teacher, because I was doing weird things. He came and saw me. It was funny. It felt like a moving statue: I was very strong and solid. I could see absolutely clearly inside the body of the guy. I could tell all the blocks in his body and the emotional connections to these blocks. The teacher just calmed the narrator down "Just calm down, she is doing awesome. Let her do it!" So I was in my body, but I was outside of my body and saw everything as an observer. This was amazing!!! Very similar to the feeling like the Oneness experience I mentioned above.
More healing sessions - After this boot camp and opening up my oracle surgeon gifts, series of healings were happening. I healed my stepfather who was complaining about some back pain. I told him his problem was not what that nurse or the masseur told him. He did not believe me but felt better. He got healed, but just to make sure, he still went to visit his doctor. He could not explain why he did not have those pain any more and why he could move so freely. After the visit, he called me and he said that doctor said exactly what I said.
From age 30 till Present - I moved to Galveston, TX from Hungary - Galveston is a beach itself and I realized very fast how strongly the elements are presented on the beach and how fast and deep I can connect with these elemental forces. I was playing make it rain and make it stop. My favorite game was (on my days off when I needed to do grocery shopping) to get all the things done and stay dry when it was raining all day. Here is how it worked: I pulled over into the parking lot and I asked the rain when it would stop so I could go inside the building without getting soaking wet. I heard a number, like “8 minutes”. I waited in the car for 8 minutes and woala, the rain stopped. Then I went inside, took care of everything and when I was ready to push the cart to the car and place everything into the trunk, the rain was pouring again. I asked again, ”how long”? I heard “5 minutes”. Ok, I waited. The rain stopped and I put everything into the car and went to my next stop. It went on till I was completely done, and got all the stuff upstairs into my apartment. Then I said thank you and the day went on in a normal flow.
Working with the elementals - I learned to talk with the lady of the "lake" / gulf. I could talk to the wind and knew when another storm was about to come. I knew I could make it rain or stop it, but during these years, I became one with the elementals. I knew where there would be tsunamis, earthquakes and wars on Earth... But I did not know what to do ... usually I saw weird things that did not make sense to me 3 days before the event. This gift of knowing in advance what would happen and when in the world, stopped after a few times... I had similar skills when I was a child, but it seemed I really did not know in either period of my life what to do about them. I don't know if I shut this skill down, or "it was shut down" from above, but I have not seen anything similar to these since then. (However, I could tell pretty accurately in advance what would happen and when regarding COVID 19)
I Predicted Hurricane IKE hitting Galveston, in 2008. Nobody believed me. When we evacuated the island, I did some protection and left all my crystals hanging. When we were allowed to come home to the island and went into our apartment, we found out that everything was dry, and perfect; everything was the way we had left. Even the plants survived being in total dark (we ply wooded the windows) and without water for a month until after we could return. All the apartments around us were damaged severely, except ours. Nothing happened to our place. It was unbelievable.
Feng Shui and Aura Soma - I started to take courses and got certified in Feng Shui and Aura Soma.
Soul Retrieving - My grandpa on my mother’s side passed away. His body had been possessed by his drinking buddies for at least ten years before he had died. Actually, they kept him alive. He was forced into a nursery home by my aunt and one day he was found dead at the end of the hallway with bruises from being beaten up. His soul was lost. My mom has one gift. She is the one who dreams with the diseased family members. When her dad passed away, we both worked on him to get his soul into peace. We both were working on retrieving his soul. My mom did it by purely loving him and I did the spiritual work. I was not trained in this topic at all; I did not even know what I was doing. I was just doing what felt right and based on love. Whatever I did to my grandpa "awake", my mom dreamed about it. Next day we discussed what we saw, heard, and felt regarding him. After almost a month of work: sending love, reconnecting with him, finding him, talking to him, healing him, finally he was able to pass over in peace.
My first official psychic job - I was giving Psychic readings by using crystals and oracle cards at the Witchery in Galveston. It was a local esoteric shop in town.
I was leasing apartments and if someone came to the office with a pain in their body, I could feel it and if I had permission, I healed it.
My first distance healing in my life - My mom's nerve got pinched and could not move for three days. We were on the phone and I started to do what I would do if she was in the room with me. I physically felt her presence. She was crying that she was afraid because it started to warm up and felt weird things in her body. Next day, she said, she could move, no pain at all.
Miraculous Healings - I saved someone from committing a suicide though my psychic coaching; a lady’s severe food allergy got healed and she could eat basically normally again, and a girl with horrible eczema found her happiness and got her health back.
Psychic Certification from Bonnie Jean - I took Bonnie's Psychic class and got certified as a psychic.
I completed Sandy Anastasy's online course on Psychic Development.
I still do not know the name of this skill or technique. (Maybe you do. Please tell me what it is called) - In May, 2020, my father collapsed and got into the intensive care. He had been having a mysterious fever which was getting higher and higher for almost 6 months before he collapsed unconsciously. Nobody knew what was going on with him. I was not sure; I just had a very strong feeling that something was wrong with his head. They were not sure in the hospital, but he was diagnosed with meningitis. After our last live video call, I told my husband, I need to go to Chicago to see him, he is dying. I felt it. I saw his aura dissolving. Next day, I got the phone call from my stepmom that he was in the intensive care; and he was totally unconscious, he was on a ventilator, his blood pressure and pulse were close to zero. You need to know about him that he is an absolutely logical person. He has spent all his life in science and any kind of spiritual thought is "Chinese" to him. He does not believe in "these things" and he does not want to hear anything about "these things". That is why I was so surprised, that after the call, I immediately connected with his soul and he was surprisingly very receptive to my guidance and teachings. We had several "meetings" during the days throughout the next month and after. Sometimes, I connected with him in meditation, sometimes just with open eyes. Sometimes I needed to pull him out of from very ugly places because he got influenced by dark entities. Sometimes I found him in beautiful places. Most of our talks were about "Is it death?", "Am I dead?", "If I am not dead then what is on the other side? Where I am now?" etc. In short, I spent the whole time with him on the soul consciousness level. Every single time when the doctors changed something in his treatment, I immediately knew by his reactions on the soul or telepathic level. When he was getting better and could talk a few words, he said "I can meet you in my dreams" Wow. I just hoped that he would "remember" something or anything from these meetings with me, even if he would say “it was just a dream”. To him, it was. When he came back to his full consciousness, his first words were: "You have brought me back from death! You did it! I was on the other side. I was dead and now I am here". The only thing I actually did was to love and answer to all of his questions. Once he asked me to tell him what to do. Should he pass over or stay. I told him "It is only your choice. You can and need to make this decision by yourself. I will keep supporting you whatever you decide. Either you stay or go, I will be with you as long as I can and as long as you need me. That is all I can say". He chose to come back. He is doing amazingly well comparing where he was a few months ago. He is a warrior. What is amazing that our telepathic connection stayed and our love has grown really strong. We feel each other more than ever. He is still open and receptive to my suggestions on herbs, essential oils etc. but with much more caution. :)
To be continued... :)
I never stop learning and life brings new opportunities and challenges to solve.
How about you? What is your story? What is jour psychic journey? Leave me a comment. Love and Light, Thank you!
It is written not necessarily in a humorous or storytelling style, like most of my blogs. It is mostly written in a dry, fact-oriented manner. You will still see the journey unfolding in front of your eyes and how one channel opened up another; how these skills became finer and more pure after reopening them. I have closed down these channels many times in my life. I have turned my back on these Divine skills and tried really hard "to be normal". The result of shutting my channels down was that I got sick every single time. The last was very scary. Now I am out of it and my channels are open and ready to grow and clear up even more... Anyway, enjoy it and I will be glad to read your reflection or questions or thoughts you may have while reading my journey. Where do you see yourself in my story? I know you are like me! Are you awakened?
I am a born psychic. I have been healing people in person since my childhood. I have helped hundreds of people to become more open to the non-physical world. My passion is to help people and children who have special gifts. They are talented in one or more psychic fields but they don't know what to do with their gifts. The only thing they know is that they don't fit into this world, yet they want to have a fulfilled life which causes a lot of issues. I am a psychologist and family counselor which may come useful at readings.
Born and started life on Earth in an abusive and non-functional family (like most of us), so it was vital and life-saving to be able to read people's energy and see the future about what would come.
Age 3-10
Being able to attune into mechanical equipment – I was able to tell why they did not work, or I made them work by "healing them since they were "sick".
- One day our old TV went wrong again. I told my mom that this time she had a different problem. My mom just waved with her hand. When the mechanic came and told her the same thing I had told her, she looked at me in shock and asked "How did you know it?" "I asked her what hurts and she told me the truth"
- Another time, our vacuum cleaner's (another very old piece of electronic device) power button got stuck again. It happened really often that we could not turn it on or off and it was a pain to fix it. One day, my mom told my brother to vacuum his room, but it didn't turn on for him. He took it into pieces (like we always did if it didn't want to turn on), but nothing worked. Finally, he kicked the vacuum, hoping it would work. Nope. When he "threw it out of his room" saying with relief that it is broken and it is dead, I went to the machine and started to talk to it. I mentally went inside and fixed something. I considered it as it had a tummy ache. Then I pushed the red button and it turned on.
Seeing things in advance – being able to tell what would happen to people in the future. -If they would get laid off, they would fall and get hurt etc.
Healing Touch - If anybody got hurt or they had pain, I was always called to put my hands on them. My most frequent "customer" was my mom.
An educative Invisible friend - I had an invisible friend who taught me about things I did not /could not know about as a small child (ex. how to make solid chocolate; or how molds are used for making chocolate etc.) I spent a lot of time with him. He was a kind of Santa. We were making toys for the children while we were talking about everything. Sometimes my mom really scratched her head about the information I shared with her I learned from my Santa.
The clairsentience child - I wanted to sue the director of the zoo in our town because I could feel how sick the animals were and how much they were suffering because of the bad treatment. They didn't have shade and enough water on a hot sunny summer day. One time during our visit at the zoo, I was crying so badly for the animals that we needed to leave the zoo.
Age 10 through 14
High level of Telepathy - I felt and could tell who was thinking of me and about what - One day I went to school and suddenly I felt a big push in my chest and I saw a face of a child from our class. When I got to school. I asked her if she had been thinking of me on her way to school and she said yes. This was the first time. After this, it was a common feeling of push in the chest and I either saw a face or heard a name. Later, I also could hear what the person said about me. If it was not a good idea to confront the girls, but I could not help not hearing their thoughts. I did not know how to handle a situation like this and there was no one I could discuss it with. I lost a few friends.
Going back on the timeline of History / Remote Seeing - When we were learning about the great pyramids in History class, and I saw the pyramids for the first time in my life, I stood up (in a kind of trance) and started to tell that there is a "spaceship" under the sphinx, there are secret corridors, hallways and crystal chambers under the pyramids etc. Everybody laughed, of course.
"She is weird" -It was me. - yet, by this time, kids were coming up to me telling me about their problems and pain. I was also asked a lot of times if they would be tested in class that day or not. I was a good resource and emotional block releaser but nobody wanted to play with me or be my friend.
Age 14 through 23 - Through high school and college
Experiencing the ONENESS - I was going home from a party one night. I stopped and started to listen to the silence around me. It was winter and there was snow everywhere, the river was frozen. Slowly I felt that I became the dog who was barking in the distance, then I became the barking itself. Soon, I felt that I was the steam coming out of the chimneys, but I was all the chimneys in the village as well. I was the ducks on the river's ice, but I was the ice and the river itself. I was air, water, earth, the body heat in the ducks or the dogs... I was everything. I was THE ONENESS. It was very weird to come back into my body.
First initiative dream - It was about an enormous and gorgeous (leathered covered) book that kept flying to me into my room. I kept throwing it out of the window. After so many stubborn attempts to get rid of the book, I finally accepted it and opened the book. It was full of all empty pages. But the more I looked that the pages, the more I started to see the lines and the writings in the book. It was all about the world's and Earth’s creation and birth. But it was very different from what we learned at school. I read the whole book. At the very end, on the last page, the names showed up who were able to read this book. I saw more names being formed in the list, but of course, I did not recognize the names, or I could not remember them. I was maybe the 5th in the line. After this dream, I had a few other dreams about different but very precious, and secret books. All of my dreams were about to save these books, even if it cost my life. In order to save them, I could fly or breathe under the water... nothing mattered, only the safety of the book.
any years later someone told me that the book I saw and kept coming back to is "the Book of Life" and it is called the "Akashic Record". almost 30 years later, an Akashic Record reader told me back my dream: "... do you remember when you had the dream..." Oh, yes. I will NEVER forget this one!
Clairaudience channels opening up - During college, I heard different voices and could tell if they were coming from the Angels, Masters, or nature spirits.
Clairvoyance and channeling - I could tell what the exam questions were going to be. It started channeling (without knowing what I was doing) with my high school graduation test in Math. I got all the answers right. They were flowing through me from above, through my hand onto the paper. I had no idea what that feeling was or what was happening. I just knew that I needed to pass that test. Math was REALLY NOT my subject, so my math teacher asked me (after he corrected the test which I got a B+) if I had been cheating during the test. I was shocked about his assumption, but it made sense. Two months before the final tests he was supposed to give me an F based on my previous math tests results. He knew I was learning really hard, but it seemed like it would not be enough to pass the test. To everybody's surprise (myself included), I barely had any mistakes. This "I hear the correct answer to a test question" helped me out several times when I was not sure about the correct answer during an oral or written test at college.
Out-of-body experience - I got my first out-of-body experience when I was present at two places at the same time. - I was on the train going to see my mom for the weekend. I was sitting at the window looking out and staring at the dark night. Suddenly, I realized (woke up) that the train had been going for too long. When I "woke up", my eyes were open during the whole time, I knew that by that time we should have pulled into the station; I realized I missed my station, I got stuck on the train. I went to the platform and found out that yes, I was right I had missed my station. There was a young guy waiting for the next station to get off the train. I asked him what the next station would be. He told me the name of the next city after mine.:) But this is what became interesting: Neither the boy nor I understood how that could have happened that I forgot to get off the train in time. He said I was walking in the hallway up and down (for about an hour) since I got on the train. He said I looked kind of thinking hard and he did not want to disturb me to say hi and start talking to me, so he was just looking at me walking for the whole time. Obviously, it did not make sense to him how I could miss my station when I was awake and walking. But his story did not make sense to me either, because I just came out of the compartment or cabin where I was sitting for the whole time staring at the darkness. This is where I woke up that the train was running for a too long time, and something was not OK. Was I meant to meet this boy? for sure! Since there was no more train to take me home to my mom's town, I was blessed and he took me home. He stayed late and we were talking in the kitchen till midnight or even after. We had a lot to talk about and it was the very first time of the many following, when I could describe his rooms exactly the way it was: the color of the walls, the poster on the wall across the door, his bed, his shelf, I could tell the title of his favorite book but I also saw the whole house and described it accurately.
More Clairvoyance experience - After this channel opened up ( I just mentioned above), I could tell basically anything people asked about their home without me physically ever being there. I could also tell when somebody was lying. I could see what happened in the past, what they were really doing instead of what they told me they did. Was it fun for the guys I dated with? Nope.:) At least not the ones who lied.
Knowing the future - I could also tell when the phone would ring and who would call in a few seconds before it happened. I was very accurate about who was going to ring our door bell downstairs in a minute and what they want. I could still tell what would happen to people in the street, for example, if an old lady would fall, or a child would jump out of her mom’s arm while dismounting the bus. I could jump in time and save a person a few times. But I could tell the future pretty accurately weeks, months, or even years ahead globally and personally.
The animal and plant whisperer - By this time I could tell which trees would be cut down in our town. I heard them crying and being afraid of being cut down. I could talk with animals. Not only could I imitate their voice pretty well, but also I was able to communicate with them through telepathy. Having conversations with animals freaked many people out. My friends were birds, dogs, cats, seagulls, and beluga dolphins. I could communicate with them without imitating their voice as well. I could tell which dog or cat could catch a rat or a mouse and which one couldn’t because they were afraid of these critters. I also could tell what their health issue was or give a very precise personality report to their owner... The most amazing experience was, though when I was talking with a beluga mom and her cub at the Chicago aquarium. I asked permission from the mom to connect with the baby and I asked the baby to do certain tricks. He/she performed the tricks. People noticed it and were taking pictures and cheering and they realized the communication between the three of us.
Age 23 through 30 - After college till I got my second degree in Psychology
Self-education - I started to "eat"/read books about these topics. I felt lonely and sometimes, I really questioned my mental clarity or heath. Even though these psychic and healing experiences were obvious to me and my accuracy was approved by those I practiced on yet nobody could handle these happenings around me or take my predictions in. I was seriously thinking to see a psychologist again. Which I did while I was in high school. She was a young, freshly graduated psychologist. After the second session, she asked me not to come back, because she did not understand me, she was afraid of what I was telling her and she could not help me with all the family drama and abuse I had in my family.
The 1st person who said I am OK, just different - Instead of seeing a psychologist, I met a girl "by accident" at a Feng Shui workshop who told me that I was ok, I was normal and that I did not need to see a specialist... I was 26 (! years old )when I met her! what a relief it was!! She told me to read a few books, which I did, however, they were just like confirmations about what I had already found out or learned through my personal experiences. They were great confirmations, though that there were kindred spirits on Earth I had just not met any of them yet.
Using my psychic skills at teaching - I started my teaching career as a high school teacher. It did not take too long for me to be able to tell right away when I entered the classroom how the group was energetically (meaning, If they were open and teachable on that day or not). I also could feel each child individually: who had a breakup, who was sad or happy, who was sick, and what body part hurt. Kids LOVED me because I was very fair, my extra gifts became very obvious to them, but they knew I would never use those against them. They also knew that they could never cheat during a written test or lie to me; they knew that I would know.
More Channeling - A few years later, I started my Master's degree program in psychology at a university... As much as I wanted to be a psychologist all my life, it felt like hell taking those courses. 4 years of nonsense of psychology (statistics, pharmacology, definitions, and some of those crazy tests psychologists use to determine people's mental state...) versus the spiritual reality I lived. By this time I got used to live in this dual reality. I was functioning like a "normal" person, like talking with other, had a job, etc., but I could always shift my focus and see behind what we call reality. Did it make my life easy? Not necessarily. Some people sensed that I am "different" and people are afraid of the unknown. Plus, I am not good at holding my mouth and if I am asked about something, there is only one thing in my mind: "The truth". People do not always want to hear the truth, but because it is the only thing I am interested in, my "no-filter" personality caused me many issues and affairs.
When it was time to write my thesis, I could channel in Jung or any author I was quoting while writing my thesis; and could write down their messages in their style - their teachings that they had not had a chance to write down in their lives. I was writing down things that I knew nobody would believe that were my own thoughts and I would have been accused of stealing their work... so I put their names for several paragraphs I channeled in. I just assumed it was channeling but still did not know at that time.
Traveling in time - Since I was so disappointed with Psychology and I could not get myself to learn that nonsense data and the answers to test questions (but I still needed to pass my exams and tests), I started to use consciously my psychic skills and gifts to travel in time and set up the energy field in the future. When I was not prepared to a test, I imagined a situation in the future (the room we were in, the teacher, my other fellow students etc.) and I imagined that something favorable would happen that would help me pass the test. Nobody taught me these things. None of the books I had read were about these techniques. I just did what felt ok: I always asked permission to do those things, I always talked the truth of my heart to a higher Force I knew I was connected to, and I always thanked the possibilities to the Divine Love and Spirit I asked help from. I never forced anything, I let it happen the way it was supposed to happen. I just opened up a possible situation which was helping e getting ahead. I did my part and studied as hard as I could! I did not know what that Force was itself I had been connected since my childhood. I had heard about God before but had no idea who he/she was. I just felt energies around me, coming through me, and through my life I gained trust in this Unknown, Loving and Caring Force. Unlike people, this Higher Consciousness never let me down! It became my unconditionally loving mom and dad. Many times, I connected this force and asked guidance from this Unconditional Divine love instead of my earthy parents.
Becoming invisible - This time in my life I was fascinated by the fact that I could make myself invisible. I think I succeeded a few times to be invisible. There were situations when someone called my name and looked for me, even though I was there a few steps away..
My first class on metaphysical topics - I was 28, when I joined a spiritual group and we were learning about spiritual laws, chakras, herbs, etc. When I first met the teacher, he put me into his third-grade group instead of the beginners. He was a medium, psychic, and was really knowledgeable. Sometimes, he asked me to read him. On one hand, he made me feel like I knew a lot, I have come from a very different world etc... but at the same time, he never gave me a reading or he never told me stories about my other lives as he did for others. He just waved with his hands and said: "you know it" or "you don't need to know it". Sometimes he started to tell something interesting about me, but then he stopped. It was really frustrating. I still do not know why he did all of these. Why I did not leave his classes? I couldn't. Frst of all, he was the only and first person I could learn about all of these things which almost drove me crazy. He was the 1st teacher available to me. Then, I could not leave him, because I really enjoyed learning from him and I projected my father- issues onto him.
The medium awakens - By this time, several people came into my life who had a relative who passed, but the two had had unfinished business. These people seemed to be possible good friends or even Mr. Rigth(s), but after connecting these new friends with the loved one on the other side and reporting what their relatives wanted them to know. Right after they got the message they needed to hear, these new friends disappeared from my life within days, and never heard about them. My job was only to help their relationship and let the dead relative pass over. I saw spirits, saw angels, heard them, smelled weird things, however, I cannot smell at all in real life.
I also helped over my grandpa on my dad's side to the other side who did not want to leave the earthly plane. I did not know anything about "earthbound spirits". I had never been interested in them, but I knew somehow if we die, our soul needs to go somewhere else. He did not want to leave. It was not easy to convince him to follow the light by not really knowing what I was talking about. But finally, he did pass over.
One time Trans medium - I was working as a librarian at the Department of Psychology during these years. One day, I was supposed to attend in a very important meeting about the future of the library. The success of this meeting determined if we could stay separate or we would get merged into the main library of the university. It was on September 11 in 2001. My co-worker was shocked when I found my notes and asked her what those notes were about and when I asked her when we would start the meeting. She thought I was fooling her. She said: "You did not even let the Dean talk. You were taking these notes, talked over everyone, and led the whole meeting. You totally made sense! Now you pretend you don't know what these notes are about? What is going on with you?" But I truly did not remember anything. Later that day I found out what happened in Manhattan. The library stayed separated. What is weird about this is that I am not able to stand out for my needs at all. I rather stay in the background. I would speak up, but would not take out words from people's mouths. I still do not know what really happened. I assume, I was called into service and my highest self took over my body.
Medical intuitive awakens- I was doing mini healing sessions for the students and some of the teachers coming to the library because I could feel what part of their body was hurting. I did not know what I was doing. I was doing circular movements in front or behind their body on different heights (in their chakras).
Oracle Surgeon awakens - I consciously discovered my healing gifts during a boot camp which was organized and led by that teacher I mentioned above. He was teaching us a medium-light massage technique with his special oil blends. The steps were important and had to be followed in order. We were working in groups of three. One patient, one healer, and one who was reading the steps and what to do in order to make sure, everything would be safe for the "patient". I must have been in trance because I started to do different things. Similar to what we learned, but not really. The guy who was supposed to tell me what to do yelled for the teacher, because I was doing weird things. He came and saw me. It was funny. It felt like a moving statue: I was very strong and solid. I could see absolutely clearly inside the body of the guy. I could tell all the blocks in his body and the emotional connections to these blocks. The teacher just calmed the narrator down "Just calm down, she is doing awesome. Let her do it!" So I was in my body, but I was outside of my body and saw everything as an observer. This was amazing!!! Very similar to the feeling like the Oneness experience I mentioned above.
More healing sessions - After this boot camp and opening up my oracle surgeon gifts, series of healings were happening. I healed my stepfather who was complaining about some back pain. I told him his problem was not what that nurse or the masseur told him. He did not believe me but felt better. He got healed, but just to make sure, he still went to visit his doctor. He could not explain why he did not have those pain any more and why he could move so freely. After the visit, he called me and he said that doctor said exactly what I said.
From age 30 till Present - I moved to Galveston, TX from Hungary - Galveston is a beach itself and I realized very fast how strongly the elements are presented on the beach and how fast and deep I can connect with these elemental forces. I was playing make it rain and make it stop. My favorite game was (on my days off when I needed to do grocery shopping) to get all the things done and stay dry when it was raining all day. Here is how it worked: I pulled over into the parking lot and I asked the rain when it would stop so I could go inside the building without getting soaking wet. I heard a number, like “8 minutes”. I waited in the car for 8 minutes and woala, the rain stopped. Then I went inside, took care of everything and when I was ready to push the cart to the car and place everything into the trunk, the rain was pouring again. I asked again, ”how long”? I heard “5 minutes”. Ok, I waited. The rain stopped and I put everything into the car and went to my next stop. It went on till I was completely done, and got all the stuff upstairs into my apartment. Then I said thank you and the day went on in a normal flow.
Working with the elementals - I learned to talk with the lady of the "lake" / gulf. I could talk to the wind and knew when another storm was about to come. I knew I could make it rain or stop it, but during these years, I became one with the elementals. I knew where there would be tsunamis, earthquakes and wars on Earth... But I did not know what to do ... usually I saw weird things that did not make sense to me 3 days before the event. This gift of knowing in advance what would happen and when in the world, stopped after a few times... I had similar skills when I was a child, but it seemed I really did not know in either period of my life what to do about them. I don't know if I shut this skill down, or "it was shut down" from above, but I have not seen anything similar to these since then. (However, I could tell pretty accurately in advance what would happen and when regarding COVID 19)
I Predicted Hurricane IKE hitting Galveston, in 2008. Nobody believed me. When we evacuated the island, I did some protection and left all my crystals hanging. When we were allowed to come home to the island and went into our apartment, we found out that everything was dry, and perfect; everything was the way we had left. Even the plants survived being in total dark (we ply wooded the windows) and without water for a month until after we could return. All the apartments around us were damaged severely, except ours. Nothing happened to our place. It was unbelievable.
Feng Shui and Aura Soma - I started to take courses and got certified in Feng Shui and Aura Soma.
Soul Retrieving - My grandpa on my mother’s side passed away. His body had been possessed by his drinking buddies for at least ten years before he had died. Actually, they kept him alive. He was forced into a nursery home by my aunt and one day he was found dead at the end of the hallway with bruises from being beaten up. His soul was lost. My mom has one gift. She is the one who dreams with the diseased family members. When her dad passed away, we both worked on him to get his soul into peace. We both were working on retrieving his soul. My mom did it by purely loving him and I did the spiritual work. I was not trained in this topic at all; I did not even know what I was doing. I was just doing what felt right and based on love. Whatever I did to my grandpa "awake", my mom dreamed about it. Next day we discussed what we saw, heard, and felt regarding him. After almost a month of work: sending love, reconnecting with him, finding him, talking to him, healing him, finally he was able to pass over in peace.
My first official psychic job - I was giving Psychic readings by using crystals and oracle cards at the Witchery in Galveston. It was a local esoteric shop in town.
I was leasing apartments and if someone came to the office with a pain in their body, I could feel it and if I had permission, I healed it.
My first distance healing in my life - My mom's nerve got pinched and could not move for three days. We were on the phone and I started to do what I would do if she was in the room with me. I physically felt her presence. She was crying that she was afraid because it started to warm up and felt weird things in her body. Next day, she said, she could move, no pain at all.
Miraculous Healings - I saved someone from committing a suicide though my psychic coaching; a lady’s severe food allergy got healed and she could eat basically normally again, and a girl with horrible eczema found her happiness and got her health back.
Psychic Certification from Bonnie Jean - I took Bonnie's Psychic class and got certified as a psychic.
I completed Sandy Anastasy's online course on Psychic Development.
I still do not know the name of this skill or technique. (Maybe you do. Please tell me what it is called) - In May, 2020, my father collapsed and got into the intensive care. He had been having a mysterious fever which was getting higher and higher for almost 6 months before he collapsed unconsciously. Nobody knew what was going on with him. I was not sure; I just had a very strong feeling that something was wrong with his head. They were not sure in the hospital, but he was diagnosed with meningitis. After our last live video call, I told my husband, I need to go to Chicago to see him, he is dying. I felt it. I saw his aura dissolving. Next day, I got the phone call from my stepmom that he was in the intensive care; and he was totally unconscious, he was on a ventilator, his blood pressure and pulse were close to zero. You need to know about him that he is an absolutely logical person. He has spent all his life in science and any kind of spiritual thought is "Chinese" to him. He does not believe in "these things" and he does not want to hear anything about "these things". That is why I was so surprised, that after the call, I immediately connected with his soul and he was surprisingly very receptive to my guidance and teachings. We had several "meetings" during the days throughout the next month and after. Sometimes, I connected with him in meditation, sometimes just with open eyes. Sometimes I needed to pull him out of from very ugly places because he got influenced by dark entities. Sometimes I found him in beautiful places. Most of our talks were about "Is it death?", "Am I dead?", "If I am not dead then what is on the other side? Where I am now?" etc. In short, I spent the whole time with him on the soul consciousness level. Every single time when the doctors changed something in his treatment, I immediately knew by his reactions on the soul or telepathic level. When he was getting better and could talk a few words, he said "I can meet you in my dreams" Wow. I just hoped that he would "remember" something or anything from these meetings with me, even if he would say “it was just a dream”. To him, it was. When he came back to his full consciousness, his first words were: "You have brought me back from death! You did it! I was on the other side. I was dead and now I am here". The only thing I actually did was to love and answer to all of his questions. Once he asked me to tell him what to do. Should he pass over or stay. I told him "It is only your choice. You can and need to make this decision by yourself. I will keep supporting you whatever you decide. Either you stay or go, I will be with you as long as I can and as long as you need me. That is all I can say". He chose to come back. He is doing amazingly well comparing where he was a few months ago. He is a warrior. What is amazing that our telepathic connection stayed and our love has grown really strong. We feel each other more than ever. He is still open and receptive to my suggestions on herbs, essential oils etc. but with much more caution. :)
To be continued... :)
I never stop learning and life brings new opportunities and challenges to solve.
How about you? What is your story? What is jour psychic journey? Leave me a comment. Love and Light, Thank you!