You can have one session or you can make a package to save money and for a complete life changing experience. Let's talk about the details in person.
You can have one session or you can make a package to save money and for a complete life changing experience. Let's talk about the details in person.

Soul Coaching Session
It is a beautiful blend of soul directed coaching and intuitive reading which will result in a "Gracethrough" experience: you will make your breakthrough in a graceful and loving way. We will bring you into a balance you have never perceived before. Get ready for assignments and a free follow up from me.
It is a beautiful blend of soul directed coaching and intuitive reading which will result in a "Gracethrough" experience: you will make your breakthrough in a graceful and loving way. We will bring you into a balance you have never perceived before. Get ready for assignments and a free follow up from me.

Chakra Cleansing / healing Session
This is a session about removing blocks, uplifting, healing, releasing, helping you think clearly, opening you up for money flow, helping you in anger management, reconnecting you with your creativity, sexuality, enhancing your intimacy, reconnecting you with your self power without feeling guilty, feeling self love, improving your career, attracting job opportunities and/or promotion, getting clear on your life purpose, clearing out family issues, overcoming trust issues, clearing up your communication, and self expression, connecting you with angels, bringing clarity, awareness, understanding, wisdom, enlightenment through meditation, breathing, music, colors and crystals
This is a session about removing blocks, uplifting, healing, releasing, helping you think clearly, opening you up for money flow, helping you in anger management, reconnecting you with your creativity, sexuality, enhancing your intimacy, reconnecting you with your self power without feeling guilty, feeling self love, improving your career, attracting job opportunities and/or promotion, getting clear on your life purpose, clearing out family issues, overcoming trust issues, clearing up your communication, and self expression, connecting you with angels, bringing clarity, awareness, understanding, wisdom, enlightenment through meditation, breathing, music, colors and crystals

Aura Soma Session
You are the color (vibration) you choose. We will talk about You, your life mission and life lesson, your blocks and what your Soul will bring to you as a gift. We will use Aura Soma equilibrium bottles to open the code of your SOUL.
You are the color (vibration) you choose. We will talk about You, your life mission and life lesson, your blocks and what your Soul will bring to you as a gift. We will use Aura Soma equilibrium bottles to open the code of your SOUL.

Akashic Record Reading
It is a beautiful, deep and unique session when I open your Akashic Record and I will download your personal guides' and record keepers' wisdom about YOU, about your block or question. The Akhasic is like a "library" with limitless information about you, your soul, everything you have ever thought, felt or done. All of this is recorded there without any judgment. Your past, present and possible future is filed here. This session will make information available to you that you would have never get access to from anywhere else.
It is a beautiful, deep and unique session when I open your Akashic Record and I will download your personal guides' and record keepers' wisdom about YOU, about your block or question. The Akhasic is like a "library" with limitless information about you, your soul, everything you have ever thought, felt or done. All of this is recorded there without any judgment. Your past, present and possible future is filed here. This session will make information available to you that you would have never get access to from anywhere else.

Sacred Contract Session
What tools (pieces of your personality) did you chose when you came to earth and how they help or sabotage you to reach your dreams, and your full potentials. It is a long session. Book out two, maybe three hours of your day, but it is worth it. You will forgive yourself for everything you have beating up yourself, you will see clearly why you "operate" the way you do and you will walk away with knowing how to change things in your life you wish. We will use cards of archetypes and the Be Gua from Feng Shui (9 areas of life: Family (how your roots, patterns, beliefs serve or not serve you); Wealth/Money (how you see money and abundance regarding money and other areas of life); Fame/Reputation (promotions or how you are getting ahead in Life/or not); Love/Relationship (to your spouse, others and yourself); Creativity/Kids/Future (how you perceive your creativity and use it in life, how is your inner child helps or sabotages you in life); Helpful People/Travel (how you use energies to help and/or sabotage you on your path); Life Path/Career (a few words about your mission, life lesson and three types of life purpose); Spirituality/Wisdom/Self Knowledge (how you use all the skills and gifts you have in life. Are these skills your blessings or curses); Health/Self (you Soul and You)) and identify your strengths and weaknesses in different areas of life. It is a once in a lifetime experience.
What tools (pieces of your personality) did you chose when you came to earth and how they help or sabotage you to reach your dreams, and your full potentials. It is a long session. Book out two, maybe three hours of your day, but it is worth it. You will forgive yourself for everything you have beating up yourself, you will see clearly why you "operate" the way you do and you will walk away with knowing how to change things in your life you wish. We will use cards of archetypes and the Be Gua from Feng Shui (9 areas of life: Family (how your roots, patterns, beliefs serve or not serve you); Wealth/Money (how you see money and abundance regarding money and other areas of life); Fame/Reputation (promotions or how you are getting ahead in Life/or not); Love/Relationship (to your spouse, others and yourself); Creativity/Kids/Future (how you perceive your creativity and use it in life, how is your inner child helps or sabotages you in life); Helpful People/Travel (how you use energies to help and/or sabotage you on your path); Life Path/Career (a few words about your mission, life lesson and three types of life purpose); Spirituality/Wisdom/Self Knowledge (how you use all the skills and gifts you have in life. Are these skills your blessings or curses); Health/Self (you Soul and You)) and identify your strengths and weaknesses in different areas of life. It is a once in a lifetime experience.

Feng Shui Session
With 25 years of wet experience in Feng Shui and being certified by several teachers, I can say: A few small changes in your home and your whole life can turn into a new direction. (Love, Children, Selling or buying a house, Career, Self study, wisdom, Family, Wealth, Reputation, Health). For accurate interpretation, I will need your proportional floor plan and If we do this session on the phone, I will need some pictures from you. If I go to your home in person, I will only need your address and floor plan.
With 25 years of wet experience in Feng Shui and being certified by several teachers, I can say: A few small changes in your home and your whole life can turn into a new direction. (Love, Children, Selling or buying a house, Career, Self study, wisdom, Family, Wealth, Reputation, Health). For accurate interpretation, I will need your proportional floor plan and If we do this session on the phone, I will need some pictures from you. If I go to your home in person, I will only need your address and floor plan.
These sessions are about me connecting with your guides, opening your Akashic Record and providing you useful information about your life or the question you have. The more time we have, the deeper we can go into the topic or you will have more time to discover more issues and questions.
These sessions are about me connecting with your guides, opening your Akashic Record and providing you useful information about your life or the question you have. The more time we have, the deeper we can go into the topic or you will have more time to discover more issues and questions.

15-minute reading
This short session will be about your basic vibration or give an answer to your question. It is fast and focused.
This short session will be about your basic vibration or give an answer to your question. It is fast and focused.

30-minute reading
This will give you more time to learn about your "original" vibration, life lesson and about your challenge and the solution, or giving you more insights and "how to-s" regarding your question.
This will give you more time to learn about your "original" vibration, life lesson and about your challenge and the solution, or giving you more insights and "how to-s" regarding your question.

60-minute reading
An hour will give you plenty of time to make you see deep -behind the scenes- and bring you many insights, "aha-s" and solutions. This is a blend of a "regular" psychic reading and and an Akashic Record reading. You will get answers about the questions you didn't even ask me.
An hour will give you plenty of time to make you see deep -behind the scenes- and bring you many insights, "aha-s" and solutions. This is a blend of a "regular" psychic reading and and an Akashic Record reading. You will get answers about the questions you didn't even ask me.

Psychic Party - hourly rate
Boost your party with psychic readings. An entertainment that will add a lot to the quality of your party but needs very little effort from you: no sound system requirement, no space to dance or change, no mess, just a quiet corner, and your guests will be thrilled.
Boost your party with psychic readings. An entertainment that will add a lot to the quality of your party but needs very little effort from you: no sound system requirement, no space to dance or change, no mess, just a quiet corner, and your guests will be thrilled.