I did about 25 readings in the last two weeks. Only one out of the 25 people had a specific question. Everybody else said: "not really, whatever you see". When I hear this answer, I connect to the person highest self = god self and I get information about what the highest self, the wisest part of us wants the person know about. In this case, sometimes people don't hear what they really want to hear, but a lot of healing happens during a session like that. One of the 25 clients wanted to hear that all her financial trouble will go away and within a short period of time everything will be okay and stable. Well, that was not the case. First, she needs to release her anger toward her past and then to let go of guilt and obsessively pleasing others. When she will get there, she can really start working on her new financial future. She got the life situation as a life lesson for this life and got the lesson from the same person who already harmed her in another life they shared. That is a big package! Another lady of the 25 needed to let her two past husbands go in order to be ready to a new relationship. She was so honest and sweet when I asked her how she was feeling during the session. She said:" Not good! I was happy when I came. Now I am not! I want to be happy again! But I clearly understand what I need to do and why." At the end of the session, she felt much better and walked away some specific assignments to do to work releasing the past.
I can say everybody was happy and satisfied with their session. They realized they got a lot of information that was right on and if they had to work on something in their life, it was clear what to do. I had only one person, who walked in and was resistant during the whole time. Nothing made sense to her, we did some healing, she did not feel anything... nothing worked. At the end of the session I asked her, what was at least one thing she would walk away with that it was worth to her. She said: "Nothing. I hoped we will talk about someone on the other side I have emotional connection with." I got shocked. "But I asked you if you have a question in the beginning! What happened? Why didn't you ask?" "I did not know it is a question"
The lesson to me is to say very politely next time that it is not a good match, don't waste each others' time" and do not try to please someone till the end of the rope when it is obvious she is not open (it is a kind of life lesson to me and some of us).
The lesson to you: 1/ Asking about spirits on the other side is not a psychic thing; it is Mediumship. Many mediums are psychic abut not many psychics are (real) mediums! That is good to know and keep in mind. Many psychics are able to tap into the spirit you want to know about on the other side, but she is doing it through you. She is tapping intuitively into your energy filed and gets information about that person. Mediumship is another piece of cake. Very often you want to hear let's say about your mom, but Uncle John comes through. It is not the medium/psychic who decides who will really come and connect with you! Maybe after Uncle John, your mom will come, but it is neither your nor the psychic's decision. This is very hard to understand as a client unless you get trained in mediumship. Many people claim themselves as mediums but what they actually do is they intuitively read you and your relationship, your memories, your perspectives about the person you want to hear about. But real mediumship is when the medium is able to tell you things about your loved one that you don't know and you need to do some research. She is able to give information about your loved one's perspective on the other side (and not yours). The reason why the decision who will come through first or who will come through at all is NOT on our side (meaning in this living world) but it depends on the other side is because it takes energy from the spirit to respond to the call and come through. If that spirit does not have enough energy for any reason, she may not be able to come through the veils between her and our world. That is why a strong spirit may come first who is able to "break through the walls". That is for today's mediumship tainting for you today :)
The other lesson to you, who might be going to see me or another psychic, is: "Everything or anything is a question!" Anything that is on your mind or you wish or desire; any life issue, anything... is a question. If your question needs to be rephrased, the psychic will help you. But if there is anything is on your mind, ask!
The last thing I would like to share with you is. When you are sitting across a psychic or you are on the phone, She may see many many things in your aura. Sometimes it is so busy that it is really hard to see what the most important thing is. If you don't guide your psychic (with a question), Your Highest Self will guide her and she will start talking about that issue. It is not helpful to walk in with the attitude: "Ok, you are a psychic, tell me what I want". If a psychic is on target at about 80%, she is considered to be a really good one. All psychics can do that they tell what the person was thinking and give the answer before it was asked. BUT the coin has two sides. You need to be open and receptive.
To summarize it up, 1/ when you meet a psychic, create a question in advance; or if you cannot put it into a question, describe your life situation. Your psychic will pick it up and help you. 2/ if she is not starting with what you want to hear about (since you have no question), listen to the first stream of information ( maybe (!) :), there is something for you in there!) and if it does not apply to you, say: "maybe, I don't know" and then ASK your question. 3/ You need to be open. As I mentioned above: "The coin has two sides" + the rim! :) If you are not open and you say "no" to everything you hear about yourself, you will freeze up the energy and you both will walk away with bad feelings. You pay your psychic because you have a question you don't see clearly about or because your Highest Self guides you there. You need a "push" to get back on your path. The more you help your psychic, the more you will get out of the session and the more you will get for your money.
I hope I could help you with this blog.If you liked this post, please share it with your friends; and leave a comment if you have and question. :)
In my next blog, I will teach you techniques how to clean yourself energetically and your home.