Regardless of my "passive, unpublished blogging", life went on with all the regulations due to the virus which have created a lot of blocks, and detour in merely everybody's life. The world has turned upside down. The stress, anxiety that COVID and the attached regulations brought to our lives; the bleakness regarding our near future, the lack of understanding of the deep message of this whole pandemic exploded the volcano of suppressed issues that spread like a wild fire around the world (see what started in America a month or so ago).
Unfortunately, this chaos is not only here on our 3 dimensional Earth, but there is a constant war on the astral plane. I have never seen these many spirits coming and going, so many demonic creatures hanging around us.... No wonder it is so hard to stay in peace, positive and mostly in love.
One of my best friends from Hungary sent me a message on messenger the other day: "I have been feeling so blue, low, and depressed for the last two weeks. Now I am visiting my parents and it is even worse. Is it just them? There is no reason why I feel so depressed. I am smiling at my son, but I need to force it. What's going on?"
I attuned into her and I got the knowing that she has a spirit attached to her. I knew from her last message that that a few weeks ago she was invited to a surprise birthday party, where she over ate herself with pizza. Her... When I heard it from her, I could not believe my eyes to read it. But I said, Ok. it happens. But it is unusual and weird.
When I read her last message and intuitively connected to her, I knew that she picked up that spirit at the party. She did not tell me what mood she went to the party. Why it is important is because these spirits are very "sensitive" to our low vibes and feelings. Either way, you don't need too much to have a spirit get attached to you. One honest bitter thought is enough and they can hook in. It happens to us all the time, we are just not aware of it. Then when we raise our vibes, they will leave because they cannot stand light, and love.
Going back to the beginning of this blog, now Earth is overloaded with spirits who have been here for a while but cannot pass into the light and with spirits who have come from different realms "to visit us" in this juicy chaotic time of ours.
What happened to my friend as I mentioned above, a spirit who got hooked into her lower vibes, got deeper and deeper into her energetic field and slowly started to take control over her energies, then her mood then her feelings and eventually her habits. Should she be not this aware and sensitive, this spirit eventually can "move into" her (posses) and completely take control over her life. Scary, isn't it?... BUT!! Like for everything, there is a solution. I am "glad" this topic came up, because it is more vital and essential to keep protecting and cleaning your aura and your home than ever!!!!
A few hints how you attract one/more "visitor(s)" into your aura in other words Signs of Spirit Attachment:
- You slowly or suddenly starting to feel low, tired, fatigue ore even depressed
- you start craving for things you have not wanted or loved for a long time (another really dear friend of mine knows if one specific (living) person is attaching to her because she suddenly is craving for cokes. She normally never drinks soda, but when this person -alive is attaching to her, she is getting crazy and needs to go to the store and buy one. Yes! You have read it right. Sometimes a living person can attach to you and influence you. Who? Anybody you have a strong emotional (positive or negative) relationship with, like your husband, parents, kids, boss co worker.... etc. You have emotional chemistry with these people, right? Oh, and the ones you cannot stand! They love hanging on you and sucking your energy. Does it sound familiar?
- You start feeling having physical symptoms, like headache, nausea, feeling a stomach bug, or even having a real stomach bug with diarrhea... Many "food poisoning" symptoms are often not what they seem like, especially if you haven't been out to dinner and yet you have something out of normal. I know a very nice couple. They are very intuitive and spiritual on their own way, I mean not using their spiritual skills consciously. They are having food poisoning symptoms one after the other, especially the guy. But last time the wife had one. The gist of it is that she hadn't even left the house; she ate the same things like others... yet... "I almost died, it was so bad"
- You suddenly or slowly building up insomnia... you cannot go to sleep or even if you sleep you are so tired next morning that you are like a zombie... click, click...? Oh, yeah. We have visitors at night too, who love to suck out our life force energy.
- In short, anything that is feeling, smelling tasting weird cloud be, not always, but very possibly can be a sign of spirit attachment. Literally, sometimes, your smelling, or tasting abilities change.
1/ Get to know your energy and yourself. Pay attention to the small changes and discomfort in your body or mind or heart. Those are not necessarily the signs of getting old. Yes, we are sensitive to weather and air pressure, the changing phases of the moon, our menstrual cycle, ladies... all; but !!! If you learn to start paying attention internally, you will know. Your gut feeling will tell you, "something is not OK". Listen to it!
2/ Read my previous blogs about cleaning and protecting yourself and your home. If you read it, read it again, it will make a different sense now. Choose one technique and try it, then another etc.
3/ If you feel it is a spirit, here is a little ritual that can help you to get rid of them. These spirits, most of the times, are harmless. They are just lost, and like you and me have a soul and a kind of consciousness. The only thing they don't have is their human body. Most of them are not aware of this, so they are just hanging around (The movie: 6th Sense with Bruce Willis). Others know it (that they are dead) and some of these spirits will be attracted to you because you have that inner spark and light and they are attracted to that light within you. They want you to help them to the LIGHT. It happens especially to those people who have natural mediumship abilities (mediumship is the skill to connect with spirits on the other side). They just don't know about it or don't consciously use it.
You don't need to say word by word this self liberating ritual or Spirit Release Ritual I am going to share with you in a minute. If you understand the points, you can verbalize anyway it will feels good to you. Ask help from your guides and angels before you start. They will protect and guide you. Trust them.
Dos and Taboos:
- Don't get emotional with the spirits. Meaning, don't start feeling sorry for them. Talk to them clear, focused and firm as if you were talking to a stranger who is bothering you but you are not afraid to send him/her away.
- The angels of light will open a tunnel for them that they can go through. You need to call the spirit's attention to that. Usually they are "blind" or scared or feel unworthy to pass trough
- They will meet their loved ones who have already left earth and on the other side, but for that, the spirit needs to pass through the light tunnel. Focus on this fact and describe it to them. It usually works like a magnet. If nothing else, but this one hits... "you can meet all the loved ones you miss so much and they are already on the other side"
- Give them a choice where they want to leave: to the VOID (black nothingness) or to the light. BUT they have no choice to stay or go. They must leave you, your home, your property! Period. This is where you need to be firm but not scary or scared. Just talk like you mean it. To explain to them that it is illegal that they have attached to you and it is bad for you and them can be very useful.
- Call the angels and imagine you see the light in the distance getting brighter and bigger; and imagine that this spirit is paying attention to what you are saying and recognizing the light. When you see the light, tell them about their loved ones on the other side.
- You can do it to or with your child or husband or anyone!!! And teach them!!!
- After the spirit left, say thanks for the angles and Lord Jesus. Then mentally clean, sweep the house and your aura (as if you were dusty and you are swiping it off/ down to the earth). Say thanks to Gaia, too that She accepts the residues.
"Hi spirit! I know, I feel you are here with me. I know you have attached to me, but it is not legal, not right! You still can hear and feel me but you do not have a human body any more. You are not a person any more. You are dead. You may be aware of it or not. (This is when you must not be emotional with them). But you know the cycle of life and death "once you got born, you will die". You should be on the other side by now, but for any reasons you got stuck here. Attaching to me (my child, husband etc) is not acceptable. It is making me sick, and it is not good for you either. You must leave me, my home, and property, NOW! In the name of God, I claim you to leave me, my home and property! You either go to the VOID or you chose to follow the light (start visualizing the light tunnel opening up with angels coming through). I am asking Lord Jesus, and the angels of light to come and offer you a path and guidance to the other side where love, peace and healing is/are waiting for you. Your loved ones who you have been missing so much are waiting for you on the other side, too. You can reunite with them and feel loved, accepted and healed. (Usually this is the time when you see and feel them to leave you; take a moment and see if he/she is gone).
When the spirit is gone, say: "Thank you for the angels and Jesus to help me and took this spirit away". Now you can open your eyes, or still closed swipe down the energetic leftover and residues from the spirit to the ground and see this "ash/dust" disappearing into the floor or into the ground below your home saying "Thank you Gaia, mother earth for taking these ashes from me. Amen"
You have just learnt something very useful and attainable. Even if you are not sure if these changes you have noticed lately are because of a spirit or not, you can still do this ritual. Learn paying attention inward and if something is off, send it to the light.
If you think this was useful to you, please share it with your friends and leave a comment or a question here for me. May the light be with you all.