All of us are psychics. YOU too! Your child, too! One might me more intuitive than the other, but all of them are attuned and often can tell what you think or what you will do or say. You are intuitive, you are the one who finds lost items for your friends, or you are the one who can "read people" in the office and you are more than 80% right, right?
Ok, you say, but how about "good and bad psychics?"
The difference is if that psychic you see or talk with on the phone
1/ is trained and how well trained. A well trained psychic knows what she is doing, who she /he is contacting with on the Astral plane. She/he can create a strong protection to both of you and can give you tangible assignments if you are open. She will not let you go with your given answers if she feels you need healing on a life lesson, but will not interfere with your free will.
2/ A not good psychic is who (can be really talented though but seeing your desperation and how out of balance you are) claims that you have curses and dark magic on you and she will remove all of these from you so that you can have a great prosperous life with the LOVE of your life and you can have it all, for 2-3-4 hundreds or god save me thousands of dollars. How do I know this? Because the very first psychic in my life tried to do this with me. For the total of $4000, she would have removed all the curses off me and then I would become famous, rich and madly in love with a handsome guy. Oh, I forgot. when she realized my psychic skills and talents, she said "you can do all of this by yourself. If you are stuck, I can help you ..." When i said I can't pay this much, she started to drop the price, but we were still talking about close to a thousand dollars...The low vibes in me wants to share who she is, because if I tell you where she lives, you would know who I am talking about if you are in that town. And I do not want anybody to be taken advantage on like she almost did to me. But my higher vibes tells me that as much I heard my inner voice, my Guides not to do it and run away from her, you or everybody has a free will to chose to experience a session with her or leave her behind. Plus, SHE needs to look at herself in the mirror that night after a reading like this.
She was right and I knew it. I can have it all. Not fame, I do not desire, but a comfortable living with an awesome husband... but not in HER WAY.
So, there are "good and bad" psychics, you are a psychic, even though you suppress it, I am a psychic. The difference between you and me is the years of practice on hundreds or thousands of people and years of learning, research, reading and being certified.
And not everybody is ready to do it as a profession. Till you take the next step on your conscious journey of Psychic Development, listen to your inner guidance and you will find YOUR Psychic.
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